Baby, don't say goodbye.
vulnerable in believing lies.I
make very good excuses and my friends
make me look kiddish most of the time.I absolutely
adore books and clothes and I often
go gaga over them.
underline italic bold
scream out loud
Saturday, July 11, 2009
{ 11:02 PM }
sumpah..beeesy gleer.i've always wanted to spend time with faten,dyana,sarra,sofia n the least ktorang ade laa things to say during hari-hari kerepot nanti.oh i miss them.diorang mesti sedeyh aku beesy gler kn.okay,, i got- sej folio
- science notessss
- maths.
- lucky T book.
- kiosk.
- tfnet
- laundary
- homeworks yang BERJUTE
- work out
tired beesy as me.
{ 10:30 PM }
11 JULY 2009 oh okay,, gelak laa. aku mmg burok ponn. n that guy in the orange peel shirt. he's KAMARUL. credits to the bestest banker ever. pepelaaa kau. Gentleman cam nie laa patot dicontohi. agagaga. Dari the girls gossips,, banker aku nie adalah: - sifat-sifat pemimpin
- gentleman.
- baek hati kott.
- penyabar.. hahaha
aku orang FIRST masok jihad syiaal. i was blushing myself. hahaha. oh n that guy yg a bit buncit tuh (bini dye pandai jge laa) dye slalu maraa aku. hahaha.
k laaa. gtg.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
{ 4:42 PM }
okay,i think im out of my mind.thinking of an idea,,aku teringat kesah time french class just one hour ago.gagagaga.aku n cik deeya n cik najiiewa nie,,dah bertahun escape kelas our fav mademoiselle.kesian cikgu french cik hanan yang sorang nie.cik deeya n cik najiiewa nie plak,tak dapat lagi their DELF paper..ape lagi,,kelam kabut laa makcik berdua nie ke BILIK FRENCHamik kertas tuu.cik hanan kesian sebab masa itu,,hujan masih lebat.wakakkaka.nasib cik deeya n cik najiiwa tak lencun.kalau tidak habis sayu jiwa niee..pastu macam biase,,kami makcik2 nie blaja laa frenchdengan hati PENUH SUKA..agagagacik nadrah pula blurr melihat makcik bertiga yangasyik bermain.sedangkan DELF sudaaa dekat bah.cik najiiewa nie kan BUKU ULAT.nmpk aje buku mesti nak baca.bagus2.haha.tapi saat itu guru masih berceloteh di hadapan.wtv laaa.janji cik hanan dan makcik2 nie gembira sudee.p.s. to cik deeya n cik najwa jgn maraa ar..
{ 3:32 PM }
 soo, its been a while.aku busy lately laa dear.. last night ada budak kecik nie call aku. i was lyke yeah!!! mmg daa lama nak cntc die but i mean he was just too young. okay soo, here's what we talk.
S: hello? ini siapa? ini budak STF ke? H: haha.. aaah kalau ye kenapa? S: oh,, siapa nama anda? H: oh.. haha hanan. S: oh yang pakai spects to ke? H: tak laaa.. yang selalu panggil kau tuh. S: ohh.. okay. H: weyh, battery aku kong weyh. later kay.. S: oh okay laa. H: haha. bye. S:bye.
he was like soo proper and well-mannered that i just couldn't resist. gagaga. ape-ape laa.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
{ 4:06 PM }
 gagagaga. aku pon tak tahu knape, tapi si kecil nie mencuit hati aku. masih form 1. lagak keanak-anakan. bila kami hmpiri dia, dia lari, kami tertawa. dipanggil dia adik kecik,, katanya sudah baligh. wakakaka. kelaka lar.. gaga. k lar chow.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
{ 3:48 PM }
that saturday,was the best day of all time. two couples of a lifetime come to meet me. all the way from seremban. it was memorable. it was not easy to meet was not easy to meet mother.that saturday,ayah came for the parents teachers meeting.mother did came was the first time of my 14 years ayah came for the meeting.i was touched.hanan felt happy to saw ayah and mother.they were such a lovely couple.hanan wanted them to stay longer,but hanan was too busy that afternoon.tooooo many customers,toooo many demands.hanan misses ayah right now.hanan misses mother too.hanan's sorry,