Baby, don't say goodbye.
vulnerable in believing lies.I
make very good excuses and my friends
make me look kiddish most of the time.I absolutely
adore books and clothes and I often
go gaga over them.
underline italic bold
scream out loud
Saturday, June 27, 2009
{ 11:34 PM }

meeting 27/6.
letters to do;
- permohonan pengecualian sekolah hari khamis.
- surat teacher Norizah.
- surat pembuatan kad.
- buku katalog produk kreatif
- borang ke Medaniaga.
- surat kak AYUN tuh.
wish aku luck okay..
Friday, June 26, 2009
{ 10:39 PM }
MEDANIAGA is coming babeh!! tired sumpah!! takpe,, ill make sure TfNet menang. amin.. god,, meeting this time long gler. NGANTOK bodoh!! aku tak sabar nak naik F4 dapat cc baru!! oh HEAVEN syial!
haha!! kay larr. OFF.
{ 4:38 PM }

he gave us this task like we got to do a blog. aku mcm kesengalan jek that time. HELLO!!! i owned a blog lyke years before i was introduces to it. SIR KZ is a GREAT man but ntah i sendiri tak paham nape tak bole understand si die nie. there's a girl in my class, S she called her MISSY. nak booked jadi nurse dye ble dye tue nanti. okay. ape ape lah sir!
{ 4:00 PM }

that day, aku gi PICC. it was fun sebab dapat bla dari skola jap. penat sumpah! tapi penat tu jap je la. singgah RnR Seremban. macam anak yatim pon ade. ade ke patut we all kena change baju. its proper what pakai baju outing cokolat tu. kami anak-anak baju hijau ni pon kuar r toilet. everybody was looking at us mcm nak telan. PEHAL???
goshh!! tak tahan syial PICC cool la gak. i saw some tkcians wearing their school tudung. cool. diorang jage PRIDE skola dorang. but some of their old gurls ade la jugak menggedik in the toilet like " oh my gosh BELLE!!!" "hellyeah".
GAGA!! tapi aku solute tkc sbb dorang good people larr. n the main story was about F yang bagi aku letter utk pass up kat R. i was happy to help her yet afraid. how the hell aku nak bagi kat R si bdak MC tu. oh no! the perfomance was great but i mcm bosan ckit.
then ajak sheda gi toilet. she wanted to see her frens from SAS. stylo gak r mamat tuh. tapi i was more interested with the toilet thinggy. HAHA!! then ade group of Mosac boys datang meet WAN. diorang pass up krim salam kat sis dorang kat stf. wan was like a bit concious .
Fun laa gi sana. meet rmai SBPIANS. oh im soo into SBP ryte now syial. looking forward gak but nak bwat ape susah2-susah MYSPACE kn ade. HAHA!!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
{ 4:06 PM }

we used to walk together. read together. sleep in the class together. annoy others together. hang out together. cheat together. sick, play, laugh and cry. we used to do these things together. but you left me. you are here right in front of me. but you are making me invisible. where is the shoulder i love to rely on? why you break the bond of our friendship for a girl that we both know i hate her. you used to hate her but now you left me all alone. i was there. right besides you when you hurt my feelings. i kept it right in the bottom of my heart. nobody listened! i was tired. soo, tired. faking myself out. HIPOCRYTE just to take care of your feelings. that evil villains did soo many things to you. She backstabbed you. She said bad things about you. She was soo envy of you and yet now she is your BESTEST FRIEND? why? everybody just wont listening. until one day you realised that she used you and that day i will always there for you like i always do.